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Will Replace First-Year Committee

Residence, Judicial Councils Planned

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Under two constitutions that have
been approved by the First-Year
Committee and passed on to the
Student Council, one for a Residence
Council and one for a
Judicial Committee, the First-Year
Committee will be phased out of
existence next year.

The Residence Council will
become a modified and more
powerful First-Year Committee
that will be almost entirely out
from under the power of the
Student Council.

It will have the unrestricted
power to make first-year parietal
rules, social rules, and rules of
personal conduct and the power to
make other rules for first-year men
subject to the approval of the
Director of Housing.

Only parietal rules will be
subject to other outside approval
and that approval will have to come
from, first, the Student Council,
and then from the Dean of Student
Affairs. The First-Year Committee
is expected to present a set of
visitation hours to the Student
Council next Tuesday.

Membership of the Residence
Council will consist of one first-year
man elected from each dormitory
floor and three counselors
chosen by the Executive Committee
of Counselors, one of whom
will be the vice-chairman of counselors.
For the remainder of this
year and the whole of next year
that position will be held by the
newly chosen vice-chairman Jim

Enforcement of the rules instituted
by the Residence Council will
be by a Judicial Committee set up
under a separate constitution from
the Residence Council.

The Judicial Committee will
consist of the President, vice-president
and secretary-treasurer of
the Residence Council, one person
elected by the Residence Council
(who will not necessarily be a
member of that council), and three
counselors selected by the Executive
Committee of Counselors, who
are not members of the Residence


"First-Year Committeeman
Dave Nahmias is expected to be the
one elected by the Residence
Council to serve on the Judicial
Committee this year," said first-year
man Ralph Noyes who played
a large part in drafting the constitutions
of both bodies.

In disciplining first-year men,
the Judicial Committee will have
the power to issue informal reprimands,
written reprimands, place a
student on probation, and recommend
to the Executive Committee,
the president of the University, or
the Dean of Student Affairs that a
student be suspended from school.

Court Of Appeals

In no case, no matter how
serious, can the Judicial Committee
itself suspend a student.

A check and balance has been
included in the new system in that
the Executive Committee will act as
a court of appeals for all decisions
made by the Judicial Committee.

Under this new system of
self-government for first-year men,
counselors along with all the
residents of the first year dormitories
will be responsible for enforcing
the rules.

At the beginning of each academic
year the counselor will
mainly be the ones who will
enforce the rules, but as the year
progresses every first-year man will
have to assume greater responsibility
for his and his fellows'

Both the Residence Council
constitution and the Judicial Committee
constitution were presented
to Student Council last Tuesday as
new business, at which time they
were tabled for a week. They will
automatically be brought up again
at the Council's next meeting.

If approved by the
Council, they will then need be
approved by Chester Titus, Director
of Housing, the Executive Committee
of Counselors, and the
President of the University, Edgar
F. Shannon.

A copy of the constitutions have
been presented to Mr. Titus, and a
group will meet with him today to
receive his reactions to and hopefully
his approval of the constitutions,
a spokesman for the new
system told The Cavalier Daily

Since the new system will
supplant the First-Year Committee,
the constitutions will have to be
presented to the first-year class as a
whole in the form of a referendum,
in which a majority of three-fifths
of the first year class must approve
the constitutions. The referendum
should be held either immediately
before or after Spring Break.

For the remainder of this year,
the First-Year Committee will act
as the Residence Council and will
elect the person to serve on the
Judicial Committee; however next
year the Committee will be entirely
abolished in its present form.