University of Virginia Library

"Persist Against Racism"

Coalition Holds Rally
To Clarify Demands

By Mike Russell
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Staging its third demonstration
in two weeks, the Student Coalition
has planned another rally at 12:30
this afternoon to display its
intentions to "persist against

Since the publication of
President Shannon's letter last
Tuesday at the Student Council
meeting, the Coalition has been
planning further activities to show
the administration that it is, as yet,
dissatisfied with its response to the
eleven requests. Blaming the
responses "inappropriateness" on a
lack of understanding, rather than
of sincerity, on the part of the
administration the Coalition has
planned today's demonstration to
clarify the issues for the public.

According to Randy Ross,
program chairman, the rally will
"explain some of our demands
which seem unclear to the
University community; to explain
why these things are needed now,
and not in five to ten years; and to
explain why President Shannon's
response isn't adequate and

"We urge people to attend
because the administration thinks
that they have answered us. We
have got to show them that the
responsible members of this
community are not satisfied with
this response, we require positive,
substantive commitment from the
administration and President

Rally Speakers

Speakers for the rally have
aimed their topics towards this
theme of "enlightenment." Among
them are George Taylor, a member
of the Black Students for Freedom,
who will discuss the need for a
separate Black Studies program;
Rawles Jones, Chairman of the
Students for the Transitional
Program, who will talk of the need
for immediate funding of such a
program; Thomas Gardner who will
speak on University wage and
employment policies; Martin Evans,
past president of the Student
Council, the main speaker who will
address himself to the general area
of the need for continued student
efforts in all of these areas. Faculty
members are planned to speak at
the rally.

Coalition Support

The Coalition, in order to build
support for this demonstration, has
been sending some of their
members through the dorms to
discuss individually with students
the problems involved. These
students have attempted to stress
the need to attend the
demonstration and support the
Coalition in its program as a whole.

Future plans of the Coalition
include the possibility of a
motorcade to Richmond to present
the legislature with the requests
that had originally been intended
for them. Other activities are being
contemplated for the entire
Sesquicentennial year, or "until the
administration accedes to the
proposals of the Coalition."

Gathering Forces

The Coalition has spent the past
week gathering its forces for its
projected programs since the letter
sent to President Shannon drew a
response that showed what the
Coalition described as "some
misunderstanding" between the
two groups, the student group has
spent its time trying to decide how
it can clarify the multi-faceted
issues involved.

In order to do this, the Coalition
leaders have reported that they
have divided their efforts into
several different areas: further
investigation of the controversial
circumstances, including finding
out which university organizations
are also working in these areas and
arranging consultation with them;
the planning of immediate efforts,
including today's rally and the
projected motorcade; and the
organization of sub-committees to
investigate other efforts for the
upcoming semester.