University of Virginia Library

Council Calls For
Student Member On
Board Of Visitors

By Tom Adams
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Student Council last night
unanimously approved a motion
asking that the President of the
Student Council be allowed to serve
as an ex officio member of the
Board of Visitors.

The motion, made by Rick
Evans, was passed after a lengthy
discussion over how student
interests should be represented at
the meeting of the Board scheduled
for this weekend.

Vanderbilt Example

Law school representative Tom
Slater pointed out that Vanderbilt
University recently allowed a
member of their senior class to be a
voting member of their Board of

The Governor of Virginia is
responsible for making all
appointments to the Board,
although the Alumni Association is
allowed to select one member of
the Board.

As of last night, Ron Hickman,
president of the Student Council,
did not know whether his request
to appear before the Board at their
meeting this weekend would be

Charles Murdock presented a
motion "instructing" the president
and vice president of the Council to
attend the meeting of the Board.
That motion passed without a
dissenting vote.

In other business, Charles
Majors, the new Student Council
representative from the School of
Law, at the suggestion of Ron
Hickman, proposed that following
next week's meeting of the Council
there be a closed meeting of the
Council to evaluate itself and
improve its internal workings.

Personal Affairs

Rick Evans, Jackson Lears and
Kevin Mannix objected to the
closed meeting. Mr. Mannix said
that he thought the Council ought
to hold closed meetings only if
personal affairs of councilmen were
being discussed.

If spite of the protests, however,
the feeling of the majority of the
Council was for a closed meeting,
and Mr. Majors' motion passed

Ron Cass moved that a Student
Council committee be set up to
investigate the food services of the
University. Mr. Cass pointed out
that establishments on Route 29
with higher overhead manage to
serve better food faster and for a
lower cost than do the Castle and
Glass Hat.

To that he added that food
services has often been "far less
than open and frank when dealing
with students."

Ready For The Hit

Tony Sherman said that after
working for food services for two
years he was convinced that many
"underhanded" dealings go on in
the Contract Cafeteria. Mr.
Sherman said he has an
appointment to see Bernard
Fontana, Director of Food Services,
later this week and added "if he
doesn't say things he should say,
I'm ready to hit him."

Mr. Cass' motion to investigate
the food services passed
unanimously and he was placed in
charge of the investigation.

Harold Taylor, director of
Buildings and Grounds; Alex
Sawyer, an equal opportunity
officer for the Medical School; and
S. Arnold Nunnery, assistant
director of personnel, will be
invited to attend next week's
meeting of the Student Council to
answer questions dealing with
charges of discrimination in the
hiring of janitors and groundsmen
by the University.