University of Virginia Library

Society Selects
Six As Members

Every year on Founder's Day,
the 13 Society recognizes outstanding
students for their service
to the University. Membership in
the society is considered one of
the greatest honors that can be
bestowed on a student here.

Today the society will recognize
six new members, which
brings the membership to 13.
They are:

-Charles C. Calhoun, former
editor-in-chief of The Cavalier
Daily and a member of Phi Beta

-Arthur P. Gray IV, president
of the College of Arts & Sciences,
chairman of the Honor Committee
and past president of Skull &

-Malcolm I. MacGregor, captain
of the football team and
president of the Fellowship of
Christian Athletes

-William M. Mettler, president
of the School of Engineering,
member of the Honor Committee
and chairman of the Judiciary

-John P. Morris III, chairman
of counselors for McCormick
Road dormitories

-and Charles F. Wood III, past
chairman of counselors for McCormick
Road dormitories and
chairman of counselors of Alderman
Road dormitories.

The 13 Society, a local honor
society, was founded at the University
in 1889. Although membership
is usually confined to
those students who are in their
fourth year, selections may be
made from the entire student

Current membership in the society
never exceeds 13, which is
the date in April on which Mr.
Jefferson was born. The 13 Society
chooses men "for unselfish
service to the University and outstanding
achievement in their respective
fields of activity."

Old members still at the University
are Benjamin C. Ackerly,
J. Riley Ayers IV, Thomas G.
Johnson, Joseph F. Kent, Russel
M. Lafferty, Henry M. Massi,
and Howard E. Trent III.


Photo by Mike Glidewell

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