University of Virginia Library

In Smoke-Filled Meeting Room

Student Council Legalizes Marijuana

By Ronald McDonald
Cavalier Daily Page Filler

Totally disregarding the University
administration, the Student
Council voted 10-7 last
night to legalize marijuana and
allow student use of it in specified
"smoking rooms."

The motion was made by Alan
Bigwig to "completely forget
about the Dean and the President,
the laws and Dean Runk's
letter and let the students have
marijuana if they want."

Beverly Crunch objected to the
motion on the grounds that "it
should be an individual's decision
whether to let pot be legal or

Leading the opposition to the
bill, however, was Frank Home run,
who said, "It is not a question
whether or not we have the
power to do this—it is a question
of whether we should. The
students obviously want it and
we should see they get this privilege.
Gentlemen, I implore you,
I beseech you, we must not, can
not, shall not, let the administration
tread on us and not let us
have the right to smoke or not.
Nonetheless, I am opposed to this
rule, it'd be too much fun."

In Public?

Then the fun began. Jackie
Jones moved to amend the motion
to read "shall be allowed
to smoke marijuana in public if
they so choose."

Two Go Up

Gordon Calvert and Pieter
Schenkkan immediately rose
screaming "Bloody anarchists!
Would you have the whole town
of Charlottesville high? Think of
it, the social repercussions of
such an act would be horrendous
and all that. Humphque."

Mr. Calvert then moved to
study where the policy's smoking
areas might best be located,
and said he could get his troupe
of legislative assistants to do it.
"They love me," he said. Fifteen
members of the audience then
rose and cheered.

No Second

Mr. Calvert's motion received
no second, however, and the vote
was taken on Jackie's motion. In
down the line pink and White
voting, the vote was 9-10 and it

It appeared, then that the pinks
needed one more vote to gain
a majority.

Debate was reopened immediately
after the recess by Mr.
Crunch, who said "Groovy,
man." Mr. Brown then mentioned
he smelled some foul play.

Ah Don't Know

"Ah have a sneakin' suspicion
thet durin' this last bit o' time
off the emphasis on this issue
has been altered in a way ah am
not sure ah can countenance. Ah
feel the issue heah is whether or
not we have the right to decide
whether or not a student should
have the right ta smoke this
weed. Theah appeahs no evidence
thet marijuana is not a
hahmful drug, and ah can't help
but wonduh if weah doin' the