University of Virginia Library

Evans Letter To General

General Hershey:

The student body of the University of Virginia, acting
through the Student Council of that school, has directed me to
inform you and your office of the general student sentiment
concerning recent directives (particularly that of October 26,
1967) from the Selective Service System to local draft boards.
The intention of these directives seems to be to advise local
boards to use the draft as a punitive instrument on those students
who engage in "illegal demonstrations" against the draft
or against this country's present military engagements.

The Student Council of the University of Virginia does not
wish to imply its approval of illegal protest: the Council, rather,
wishes to transmit the feeling of a student body which absolutely
refuses to allow lawful protest to be blocked by fear or
unlawful protest to be illegally punished. While including no
judgements on what may be a most valid war effort, the students
of this University realize that the corruption of our nation's
legal system is too high a price to pay to punish what the
Selective Service System considers illegal protest.

I am sure that you understand the concern of the students of
the University of Virginia on this matter, and I trust that you
will give full consideration to the legitimacy of their complaints,
complaints shared and already voiced by students and educators
throughout this country. I assure you that the students of this
university anxiously await action on this matter from your office.

Sincerely Yours,
Martin F. Evans
Student Council