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Troops, Demonstrators March On Pentagon
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Troops, Demonstrators March On Pentagon

Two Buses Planned
For Students' Rallies


Photo By Schmidt

'Peace' Poster

Hoping To Attract 100,000

The comments by the marchers
and expressed by the professors
in the letter to the editor
of the
The Cavalier Daily.-ed.

By Rod MacDonald
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Two buses will depart early
tomorrow for Washington carrying
University students to the
peace march on the Pentagon to
help "shut down the U.S. war
machine for a day."

Sponsored by the Charlottesville
Committee on Vietnam and
the Southern Student Organizing
Committee, the buses leave the
Rotunda tomorrow morning at
7, returning the same night after
the day's activities.

The march, called the National
Anti-War Protest, begins at 11
a.m. tomorrow morning with a
rally at the Lincoln Memorial
featuring five speakers, including
Dr. Benjamin Spock.

The marchers will then cross
the Memorial Bridge and assemble
in front of the Pentagon
building at 2:30 p.m., where they
will attempt to block entrance
to the building, thus "shutting
down the U.S. war machine for
a day."

The entire demonstration is being
sponsored by the "National
Mobilization Committee to End
the War in Vietnam," which
hopes to attract upwards of
100,000 demonstrators.

A group of University faculty
members in a letter submitted to
The Cavalier Daily yesterday reprinted
at right, have also expressed
their sympathy for the
cause, urging all "who share our
sense of outrage" to join in the

The program will continue Sunday
with a demonstration for
those who are able to remain in
the city. Following this will be
a southern students' caucus to
plan southern anti-war activity.

Tickets for the bus ride are
on sale at Mincer's and Newcomb
Hall for $4 round trip.