University of Virginia Library

Board Of Visitors Accepts
$7 Million In Gifts, Grants

In a Homecomings weekend
meeting, the University's Board
of Visitors accepted over $7-million
in gifts and grants, raised
hospital room charges, applied
for a federal grant to build an
addition to University Hall and
denied use of the Chapel to an
ecumenical group.

Meeting with the Board for
the first time was a new Visitor,
William S. Potter, an attorney
from Wilmington, Del., and a
member of the Democratic National
Committee. Mr. Potter replaces
William A. Hobbs, who
resigned from the Board in June
to head the University's new development

The Visitors also received a
$10,000 gift from two anonymous
donors to endow a room on the
Lawn for "a man of integrity,
unselfishness and sportsmanship,
and who has demonstrated personal
concern for his fellow students."

The endowment is intended as
a memorial to the late Augustus
Silliman Blagden III, a member
of the Class of 1963.

Hospital room charges were
raised $8 across the board, from
$32 a day for semi-private room
with four beds to $40 a day for
a private room in the psychiatric

The federal grant for an addition
to University Hall will be
used to pay part of the $1.5-million
construction costs on "stage
III" of the athletic complex. This
final stage will include a swimming
pool with seats for 500
spectators, a wrestling room,
squash and handball courts, and
physical education classrooms.

The Ecumenical Worship
Committee, now meeting in
Alumni Hall, was denied use of
the Chapel for meetings on a
regular basis. According to a
spokesman, the Board felt that
the group did not represent
enough of the University community's
17 denominations.

In other business, the Board:

-Re-elected Mortimer Caplin,
former head of the Internal
Revenue Service, to be a visiting
professor of law.

-Established a chair in the
school of architecture named for
Cary D. Langhorne and elected
Frederick D. Nichols as its first

-Granted a leave of absence
to Iranian affairs expert Rouhollah
Ramazani, professor of government
and foreign affairs, to do
research in Lebanon.

-Accepted the resignation of
Dr. J. Hamilton Allan as chairman
of the department of orthopedics.

-Accepted the resignation of
Joseph L. Blotner, associate professor
of English and Faulkner
biographer, effective June 1968,
to accept a position at the University
of North Carolina.

Among the gifts and grants accepted

-Two thousand shares of
Eastman Kodak stock from Mrs.
Philip B. Philipp of Covesville
to be used to buy a radiation
therapy unit as a memorial to the
late Mr. Philipp.

-$50,000 in athletic grants-in-aid
from the Virginia Student
Aid Foundation.

-$16,000 for fellowships in
history for the 1967-68 session
from the Danforth Foundation.

-$28,000 for fellowships in
history and political science and
a professorship in history from
the Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Foundation, Inc.

-$359,835 to form an endowment
fund for the Department
of Physics from the estate of the
late William Jackson Humphreys.

-$48,000 in fellowships and
subvention to the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences from
the Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation.

-$22,561 in fellowship in
Economic Development and Administration,
under the direction
of L. B. Yeager of the economics
department, from the Ford Foundation.

-$21,483 for research under
the direction of F. A. Carey of
the chemistry department from
the American Chemical Society.

-$70,563 for research under
the direction of W. Cooper and
L. Bowman of the government
and foreign affairs department
from the State Department of
Vocational Rehabilitation.

-$80,300 for research under
the direction of Bascom S.
Deaver, Department of Physics,
from the National Science Foundation.

-$57,000 for research under
the direction of R. Bruce Martin,
Department of Chemistry,
from the National Science Foundation.

-$85,000 for research under
the direction of K. O. H. Ziock
and S. E. Sobottka, Department
of Physics, from the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.

-$142,091 for research under
the direction of R. V. Coleman,
Department of Chemistry, from
the Department of Justice.

-$261-800 as a training grant
for teachers of handicapped children,
under the direction of
H. G. Burr, Department of
Speech Pathology and Audiology,
from the U.S. Office of Education.

-$158,879 for research under
the direction of D. Lewis, department
of Mechanical Engineering
and J. H. Allan, Department of
Orthopedics, from the Vocational
Rehabilitation Administration.

-$263,230 for research under
the direction of H. G. F. Wilsdorf,
Department of Materials
Science, from the U.S. Public
Health Service.