University of Virginia Library

Ramsey Clark, Paul Harvey To Speak Here

New U.S. Attorney General
Opens Forum Series Tonight


Ramsey Clark

Son Of Former Justice

United States Attorney General
Ramsey Clark, the son of retired
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Tom
C. Clark, will speak in Cabell
Hall tonight at 3:30.

Mr. Clark, 39, served as assistant
attorney in the department of
justice from 1961 to 1962, and as
deputy attorney general from 1965
until this year, when he was appointed
to succeed

Upon his appointment as
attorney general, his father retired
from the United States Supreme

Mr. Clark is a member of the
Dallas, American, and Federal Bar
Associations, and of the state bar
of Texas. In 1956 he was admitted
to the Bar of the Supreme
Court of the United

Mr. Clark's talk opens the
fall lecture series for the Student
Legal Forum.

On Nov. 15, U. S. Supreme
Court Justice Byron R. White
will be the guest speaker for the
Forum. Justice White, a graduate
of the University of Colorado, a
Rhodes Scholar and a graduate
of the Yale Law School, served
as deputy attorney general in
1961-62. He was appointed to
the Supreme Court in 1962.

Roger M. Blough, chairman
of the board of U.S. Steel Co.,
will be the December speaker.
Mr. Blough also is a director of
Equitable Life Assurance Society,
the Chase Manhattan Bank, and
a special director of the Advertising
Council. He received his
LL.B. from Yale University in
1931 and his LL.D. from Baylor
University in 1953. Mr. Blough
is a member of many national
business and charitable executive
boards including the U. S. Council
of the International Chamber
of Commerce, the Atlantic
Council, Community Relations
Service and the Eisenhower Exchange