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Canevari Named As Runk's Assistant
To Lighten Administrative Workload

By Jim Doilney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

After serving as a teacher at
Albemarle and Buena Vista
High Schools as well as financial
aid director and assistant
freshman football coach at the
University, Robert T. Canevari
has been catapulted into his
present position as Assistant
Dean of the University.

In his newly created position,
Mr. Canevari assists Dean B. F.
D. Runk in fraternity matters,
automobile regulations, orientation
and student evaluations.


Photo by Marlow

Robert T. Canevari

Former Football Coach

The administrator first came
to the University as an undergraduate
in the College after a
high school post-graduate year
at Blair Academy of New Jersey.

Graduating five years later
with a Bachelor of Science degree
in education, Mr. Canevari
served a six month stint as a
lieutenant in the army.

Assistant Coach

His coaching aspirations first
took form while he was an assistant
freshman football coach
during 1959 when Gary Cuozzo
was a member of that team.
Later, in 1963, he coached Bobby
Davis in the same capacity.

Mr. Runk's new assistant spent
the summers of 1962 and 1963
working on his master's degree
in education. During the fall semester
of 1963 he completed
these studies, obtaining his degree.
The following spring he
worked as a part time physical
education instructor at the University.

That year the Office of Student
Aid and Placement had an
opening and Mr. Canevari was
appointed its assistant director.

In 1966, after administrative
reorganization within the department,
he was named director of
the newly created Office of Financial
Aid to Students.

Lighten Work Load

Speaking of his present job
assisting Dean Runk he said, "I
really did feel fortunate about
my appointment. With regard to
the future, I am not certain although
I am considering advanced
study in education."

Dean Runk explained that the
position was created for the purpose
of lightening the work load
involved in the many administrative
operations of the office.

Considering the appointment of
Mr. Canevari Mr. Runk said, "A
finer man could not have been
chosen and I am simply delighted
to have Bob Canevari in
this office to share the burden.

Mr. Canevari is a native of
Norwalk, Connecticut and originally
came to the University on
an athletic grant.