University of Virginia Library

'Raises Vital Questions'

Council Grants $500
To Virginia Weekly

By Rod MacDonald
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Student Council last night voted
to give the Virginia Weekly $500
to continue operating, stipulating
that the publication could reappear
in a month to ask for a further

The Weekly, which had requested
$2000 in order to publish
for the year, was asked if there
were any possibility of its becoming
self-supporting soon, as it had
predicted it could do early this

'We're Not Ashamed'

Lee Marshall, editor of the publication,
said that "as of now, it
doesn't appear that we can support
ourselves in the immediate future,
although that prospect is definitely
in our plants."

He added, however, that "no
University publication is presently
self-supporting, and we are not
ashamed at our inability to pay
our own way."

Parker Brown, referring to the
motion to appropriate $500 for the
Weekly, began the debate, saying
"if this paper, which seems to
serve a special interest to the
politically-oriented, can't support
itself, we should defeat this motion
and refuse them any money."

'We Support Special Interests'

Hal Lassiter replied that "We
support many special-interest publications,
such as Modulus, Plume
and Sword, and the Law-Review."

Secretary Bill Moses, presiding
over the meeting in the absence of
President Ed Ford, answered that
"The Virginia Weekly has raised
many vital questions and attempted
to answer them. There is little
doubt that it is useful to the University.
The question here is how
much money should be appropriated."

"We should grant them at least
$1300 or $1400," said Jim Gay.
"We don't want to have them
come back again and again, asking
for $500 each time."

Won't Last Long

Mr. Marshall added that "On
a budget of $500 we won't be
able to publish long, since our
present circulation is only 800."

Richard Jenkins relied, how
that "It will be worth the extra
trouble to re-evaluate the Weekly's
position in light of its first expenses
and reach a suitable figure."

The motion to appropriate the
$500 passed 19-2.

The Council also voted to grant
$939 to the First-Year Committee
for the facebook distributed this
year, and $1129 to the Student
Legal Forum.

Yearly Colloquium

In its request, the Forum stated
that it hoped, together with the
University Union, to sponsor a
foreign affairs colloquium this
spring and make it a yearly event.

It was also passed to recognize
the Sigma Alpha Eta club, designed
to "create interest in the
areas of speech pathology and

Mr. Brown, chairman of the
elections committee, announced
that the date of October 25 had
been tentatively set for elections
of officers of the College political