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Ford Calls Students 'Responsible'

President Says Meeting Showed University's 'Willingness, Ability'

By Rod MacDonald
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

"Students at the University
have shown that they are willing
and able to accept responsibility
for their administration," said
Student Council President Ed
Ford in an interview with The
Cavalier Daily yesterday.

Speaking on the Peaks of
Otter conference held Wednesday
with student leaders of other
Virginia colleges, Mr. Ford said
that "It was quite clear that our
students showed a greater interest
in their affairs than did students
of many other schools."

Committee Appointees

As an indication of the growing
responsibility, Mr. Ford
pointed out the increased participation
of students in faculty
committees. He cited those who
had been appointed by President
Shannon to committees that had
been composed entirely of faculty
members prior to this year.

Those included as appointees
are J. R. Martin to the Calendar
and Scheduling Committee; L. F.
Altaffer, G. R. Calvert, J. R.
Light, and L. A. Moyer to the
Processions Committee; R. C.
Chandler to the Public Occasions
Committee; P. M. Schenkkan to
the Registration Committee; and
J. P. Mathieu to the Security
and General Safety Committee.

Exchange Of Ideas

The conference, run by the
University at the Peaks of Otter,
was held to enable Virginia students
and administrators to "exchange
ideas and methods in an
atmosphere of free discussion."

Mr. Ford said that the conference
divided into three general
areas: student government, honor
systems, and discipline problems.

In his own area, student government,
he said the problems
discussed were the same ones
that are problems here at the
University, those of student responsibility,
communications with
the administration, and girls in
the dorms.

Girls Interested In Plan

When the University's plan for
girls in the dorms was presented
at the conference, it evoked great
interest from the delegates, notably
the girls' schools, he said.
He added that many delegates
were interested in the progress
the University has made in
developing student-administration

Honor Committee Chairman
Pete Gray concurred with Mr.
Ford on the issue of responsibility,
saying that "I was very impressed
with the comparative
amount of responsibility given
the University student, and the
fact that he handles it so well."

'Compared Notes'

Mr. Gray pointed out that "although
the conference was not
designed to reach a group decision,
it was very useful for
comparing notes and hearing the
ways other schools handle the
same problems we face here."

He mentioned orientation into
the way of honor and trial procedures
as two of the topics discussed
at the conference.