University of Virginia Library

Cross Heads Committee
To Find Williams Successor


University President
Edgar F. Shannon Jr. has
appointed Arts and Sciences
Faculty Dean Robert D. Cross
chairman of a special
committee to make
recommendations to him
regarding a suitable
replacement for appointment
as Vice President for Student
Affairs, succeeding D. Alan

Mr. Williams has requested
that he not be considered for
reappointment at the end of
his present five-year term Sept.
1, but offered to serve as late
as Jan. 15, 1974.

Committee Members

Mr. Shannon has asked the
following University faculty
and students to serve with Mr.
Cross: "Alderman Road
Association Dean Ellin K.
Deese, Commerce Prof. Joseph
E. Gibson, Assoc. Business
Administration Prof.
Alexander B. Horniman, Assoc.
Internal Medicine Prof.
Lockhard B. McGuire, Assoc.
Education Prof. Lawrence A.
Simpson, director of career
planning and placement; Law
Instructor S. Delacy Stith,
assistant admissions dean; and
Assoc. Speech and Drama Prof.
John L. Sullivan.

Students asked to serve on
the committee are first-year
Law student Tom Bagby,
third-year College student
Janet Palmer, fourth-year
Engineering student Jim
Rinaca and fourth-year College
student Ed Wilson.

Although they all have not
accepted membership on the
committee, it is expected that
most will. Mr. Simpson will
serve as committee secretary.

According to Mr. Shannon,
the Vice President for Student
Affairs "serves as the
immediate deputy to the
President of the University for
all matters relating to student
life, except that effective Jan.
1, 1973, the Director of
Athletic Programs will report
directly to the President."

"His duties are specifically
concerned with student
government and discipline,
dormitory and student
counseling, student health
(with the Director of Student
Health Service also responsible
to the Vice President for
Health Sciences for the medical
aspects of the program),
placement, financial aid to
students, the advising of
international students, the
social life and activities of
students and the University

'Begin Search Early'

"The Vice President
maintains continuing
communication with the
officers of the various student
government organizations and
he or other members of his
staff are regularly appointed to
the appropriate University
committees concerned with
student life and student

Mr. Shannon is hopeful that
the committee "can begin the
search for suitable candidates
as early as possible in the new


CD/Andy Groher

Dean Robert D. Cross

Mr. Cross, who considers
the position of Vice President
for Student Affairs "an
absolutely essential one for the
University," said the
committee will try to examine
all aspects of the post before
specific names are