University of Virginia Library

Merchant Poll Shows
Faith In Honor Code


Charlottesville merchants
think the University's Honor
System and Bad Check
Committee provide a working
system between the business
community and the University
community, according to a
recent poll conducted by the
Bad Check Committee.

William F. Garner, Bad
Check Committee Chairman,
said the purpose of the poll
was to "tap Charlottesville
businesses as to their feelings
about their relations to
University students and the
Honor System."

Merchant Trust

"However, the Committee
was also curious to see if the
merchants' trust decreased as
the distance of their firm from
the University increased," he

The poll showed that of the
62 businessmen questioned, 89
per cent were aware of the
Honor System and 83 per cent
felt that their check cashing
policy reflected their faith in
it. It was also found that 73
per cent were familiar with the
methods of the Bad Check

ID Check

Mr. Garner said that
although 69 per cent felt that
they could readily identify a
student, 81 per cent checked
for identification to insure that
the customer was a University

"Continuity of the system
would be greatly benefited if
the merchants would come
directly to the Committee
instead of dealing with the
student who passed the bad
check," Mr. Garner said. Only
42 per cent consistently turn
checks over to the Bad
Check Committee.

Mr. Garner suggested that
this situation arises because the
merchants feel that they can
get favorable results directly
from the student.

The poll revealed that there
was little difference in the
attitudes of the businessmen in
the Barracks Road Shopping
Center, the Corner, and
Downtown. The poll showed
that 75 per cent of the
Downtown and Corner, and 72
per cent of the Barracks Road
merchants were familiar with
the Bad Check Committee.

"Most merchants were
cooperative and appreciative of
the interest being taken in their
views," Mr. Garner said. "I
would estimate that students
carry on 95 per cent of their
business in the firms we polled.
It is to these firms' benefit that
a high level of student business
be maintained."

"It is evident from our
findings that not only are the
merchants aware of the Bad
Check Committee, but that
this awareness, emanating from
the system, allows business to
be carried on in a spirit of
good will and trust," he

Students wishing to cash
checks with local merchants
are advised to carry their
student identification card and
produce it on request to
facilitate easy and quick