University of Virginia Library

Council Passes New Plan
For Ticket Distribution


Student Council last night
unanimously approved a
basketball ticket distribution
plan, voted to re-activate its
membership in the National
Student Association and
announced two more
vacancies on the Council.

The newly proposed
ticket pick-up plan, already
forwarded to Athletic
Director Eugene Corrigan,
includes a number of changes
over last year's system.

According to the plan
students may enter
University Hall beginning at
its opening hour on the day
of distribution. Only half as
many students as there are
tickets available will be
allowed entry to the hall.
Each student will be allowed
to pick up two tickets for
University students. Those
who do not gain entrance
may sign a waiting list and
will be phoned should extra
tickets be available.

Students Selected

Students, after entering
the hall, will sit in selected
sections of the gym and be
called by these sections to
get their tickets.

The order in which
sections are called will be at
random so students will not
know beforehand which
section will receive the best

Date tickets will also be
distributed at these pick-ups
as they were last year.

System Designed

According to Council
president Jim Rinaca the
new system is designed to
alleviate the long lines and
long waits which students
endured last year for
basketball tickets.

Mr. Rinaca added that
since the number of tickets a
student is allowed to pick up
would be cut to two, it
would better insure that all
seats in the the student
section would be filled.

By an 11 to eight vote
Council passed the resolution
re-activating its membership
in the National Student
Association (NSA). The
University has belonged to
the Association in the past
but has not taken an active
roll in recent years.

In re-activating its NSA
membership, Mr. Rinaca said
Council was enlisting in "an
organization that has a great
potential in a national

Representatives Speak

NSA representatives
spoke to Council at its last
meeting to bring members up
to date on projects and
services of the association.

Stressing that they were a
"non-political" organization,
the spokesman told Council
that the main objective of
the NSA was as a "forum for
student thought" among the
600-member institutions
throughout the nation.

Resignations Accepted

Council also accepted the
resignations of College
representative Barbara
Savage and Architecture
School representative Lee
Arnest. Appointments to fill
these positions along with
the vacancy left by the
resignation of College
representative Andy Potler
will be made by the College
and Architecture school
councils shortly.