University of Virginia Library

Baroque Ensemble Plays Sunday

A Baroque Ensemble will be
presented in a concert at the
Bayly Museum on Sunday, November
5, at 3:30 by the Wednesday
Music Club and the Faculty
Wives Club.

For the last two years the
Charlottesville Baroque Ensemble
has played at Monticello for
the Jefferson's birthday celebration
in April. They have appeared
at St. Paul's Church, Ivy,
several times as well as at weddings
and other festive occasions.

The group was organized
about three years ago with five
members. This group included
Larry Smith, harpsichord; May
Bates, recorder; Ben Sturgill,
recorder; Donald McGinnis,
cello; and Joyce Clarke, soprano.

Since that time the membership
has increased, including
John Dunn, harpsichord; Peter
Stumpff, cello; Frank Silberstein,
recorder; and Stephen
Wright, bassoon.

Sunday's program will include
the Suite in F Major by Witt,
the Trio Sonata in G Major by
deBoismortler, the Sonata in D
Major for cello and bassoon by
deBoismortier, the Sonata in F
Major for recorder and continuo
by Handel, the Symphonia
Sacro by Schultz, and Musique
de Joie, anonymous.

Also included will be three
songs by Dowland, the Trio
Sonata in B minor by Schickhardt,
and two short pieces by

There will be no admission
charged for the concert. Parking
will be available at the Westminster
Church parking lot.