University of Virginia Library

4,300 Register For Summer Session


CD/Bill Bardenwerper

Students Register For Summer Classes in Newcomb Hall Ballroom

Over 4,300 students have
registered for 1973 summer
session classes which begin
today at the University. About
2,800 of the student body are
enrolled at the University
during the rest of the school
year, and the rest attend other

According to Summer
Session Director Ralph Cherry,
there is "little difference
between the courses offered this
summer and last, although
there are expansions this year
in such departments as
environment and speech."

Even with the expansion in
various departmental courses,
the number of summer session
students has not risen
appreciably since last year, he

All new students must
attend an Honor System
orientation meeting tomorrow
at 12:45 or 7:30 p.m. in Cabell
Hall auditorium, according to
to assignments listed on the
Honor Committee leaflet
distributed at registration.

New Courses

New courses offered this
summer are "Third World
Communications," two courses
in landscape architecture, a
Chinese language course, and a
seminar on the history of

Professors for several
courses are arranging for
reassignment to larger
classrooms because of the
demand for their classes, Mr.
Cherry said.

Breaking Down Doors

However, not all the courses
are fortunate enough to have
students breaking down their
doors. The instructor for the
Chinese course "has been
waiting on pins and needles" to
find out if he will have enough
students to have a course,
according to Mr. Cherry.


Add-drop cards will be
available today for students
who wish to be in classes which
were filled at registration.

The University is sponsoring
two foreign study programs
this summer, with field trips to
Spain and to the Far East.

The Spanish trip is being
sponsored by the Spanish
department and will include a
tour of Spain along with
academic work at the
University of Salamanca there.

The Far Eastern trip is
being sponsored by the
education school and will
include Japan, Taiwan,
Philippines, Hong Kong and
Korea to observe and compare
the different educational
programs in each country.

The percentage of women
taking courses at the University
is higher this summer than it is
during the regular year,
However, men still outnumber
women here.