University of Virginia Library

Housing Rejects
2/3 Of Applicants


About two-thirds of those
students who applied for
upperclass dormitory space
were denied, it was announced

Housing Director Ralph E.
Main said 1,153 male and 978
female upperclass
undergraduate students applied
for dormitory housing for next
year. Of the applicants, 255
men and 368 women have been
notified of acceptance.

The number of women
applicants has almost doubled
since last year, while there is
little change in the number of
male applicants.

The remaining applicants
who were not given dormitory
space have been placed on a
lottery waiting list on a
"first-come, first-serve -basis."

The number of students to
receive housing may increase,
Mr. Main said. Dunnington and
Tuttle dormitories are
presently upperclass, but may
change their status next year,
depending on the size of the
incoming first-year class.

Dunnington will definitely
house first-year students next
year, but Tuttle may remain
upperclass, "if the first-year
class does not expand beyond
the space already set aside,"
Mr. Main said.

Problems arose last year
when students changed their
plans without notifying the
Housing Division. A method
had been set up to alleviate

"Those students on the
waiting list who have not
received a room will be asked
to reaffirm their desire for a
University dorm space between
April 15 and May 15, to get an
idea of how many students are
still interested," Mr. Main said.

Of the 700 students on last
year's waiting list, 600 made
alternate housing plans without
informing the Housing Division
of the change. If students do
not respond to the Housing
office by the cut-off date
about their housing plans, they
will be removed from the list
and those students next on the
waiting list will be be

Lawn resident applicants
should be notified by the end
of this week or the beginning
of next week about their
residency for next year. The
Lawn presently has only one
woman resident, but has
facilities for seven or eight.
according to Mr. Main.