University of Virginia Library

Council Plans Student Role
In Presidential Selection


Student Council last night
unanimously endorsed a
proposal to establish a
screening committee to select
student representatives for
the Student Committee which
will recommend a successor to
University President Edgar F.
Shannon Jr.

Proposed by Council
President Jim Rinaca, the
screening committee will be
composed of ten students
representing "influential"
student organizations. Two
Council members will be
elected to the screening
committee, with two
representatives selected from
the Judiciary Committee, two
from the Honor Committee,
and one each from the
University Union, the Inter-Fraternity
Council, The
Cavalier Daily and the Resident
Staff. Committee
representatives are to be
selected by the chairmen of the
respective organizations, Mr.
Rinaca stipulated.

Mr. Rinaca will chair the
screening committee, and
Council Secretary Lee Storey
will serve as executive
secretary. Neither will be
voting members.

These student
organizations, in Mr. Rinaca's
words, "represent the major
areas of student
self-governance and service at
the University and accordingly,
should be responsible for the
selection of students for the
Committee of Students."

The screening committee
will begin its work "almost
immediately" according to Mr.
Rinaca, since the final Student
Committee must be formed by
March 30.

Mr. Rinaca, in a letter to
Rector Joseph H. McConnell
on Feb. 19 outlined the duties
of the committee:

(1) "Setting up procedures
for receiving the applications
of those seeking to participate
on a committee of students to
report to the Faculty Steering

(2) "Determining the
constitution and makeup of
such a Committee insuring
participation from each of the
ten schools;

(3) "Acting as a screening
body to select the members of
that committee from
applications submitted to

The Rector expressed his
support of these
recommendations in a letter
to Mr. Rinaca on Feb. 22.
"The method you propose is
entirely agreeable to the
Special Committee as it assures
our joint goal of student
representation from each of
the ten schools of the
University," he said.