University of Virginia Library

Council Approves
Busing Resolution


Student Council last night
unanimously passed two
resolutions calling for
extension of the busing system
and removal of parking in the
amphitheater area.

University Traffic and
Parking Committee member
Lynn Ivey presented the
resolutions to Council.

The busing resolution called
for an extension of the present
busing system to the Rugby
Rd., Grady Ave., Madison Lane
and Preston Ave. area "by the
beginning of orientation week
in 1973."

Main Reason

The main reason for this
extension is that
approximately 20 per cent of
the student body lives in this
area, the resolution said.

Mr. Ivey's second resolution
requests that "amphitheater
parking be removed over the
summer and the area be grassed
over for the fall of 1973."

This request was made
because of long range plans to
eliminate central Grounds
parking and the need for more
grassy areas to preserve the
beauty of the lower Lawn.

The resolutions will be sent
to President Edgar F. Shannon
Jr. and the Traffic and Parking

Sponsors Resolution

In other action Council
voted to sponsor a referendum
to appear in The Cavalier Daily
polling student opinion on
various issues to aid the
National Student Lobby (NSL)
in formulating positions for the
coming year.

The NSL has requested all
member institutions to sponsor
the referendum so that it might
best represent the ideas of the
student population in its
lobbying efforts. The
referendum was drawn up by
the NSL.

Domestic Affairs

The referendum polls
opinion on legislation presently
before Congress with a
five-point rating scale from
'strongly opposed' to 'strongly
in favor' of passage.

Also included in the
referendum are questions on
stands of Congress in both
foreign and domestic affairs.

Referendum ballots will be
collected at designated polling
places throughout the Grounds.