University of Virginia Library

Shiflet Warns
Of Education
Cost Threats

'More Quality
At Less Cost'


"The aura of mystery and
mystique, and what sometimes
appears to be an element of
suspicion surrounding
education and our educational
institutions" must be dispelled,
Virginia Secretary of
Education Earl J. Shiflet told a
Virginia State College audience
in Petersburg Tuesday night.

Mr. Shiflet warned that
increased cost-consciousness
threatens education, and said it
is time to reassure the public of
"our proper discharge of

"It is abundantly clear that
we must level with our society
in an understandable way ...
we have plans underway to
conduct an audit of
productivity for all education
in Virginia," he said.

Education at institutions
must better coordinate their
services, he said. "A somewhat
disturbing and yet
unmistakably clear call from
our citizens today is more
quality at less cost."

Education operates today
"in a different attitudinal
climate" than in the 1960's,
Mr. Shiflet said.

Colleges and universities
must "be willing to respect the
role of other institutions" to
eliminate duplication and
inefficiencies within the total
sphere of higher education, he

"It is urgent ... for higher
education to address itself
more intensively to its role as
servant of society, pointing the
way to the betterment of
society while remaining a part
of that society."

He suggested a consortium
arrangement between colleges,
the university-without-walls
concept, and an enlargement of
credit programs for off-campus
instruction as new approaches
to higher education.