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Anderson Blasts Federal Policies
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Anderson Blasts
Federal Policies


"The federal government
should do nothing that private
interests and local or state
governments can do, and that
Is almost everything,"
American Party presidential
candidate Thomas J. Anderson
told a sparse Gilmer Hall crowd
last night.

"The further away from the
people the government is, the
worse off it is," he said.

Revenue Sharing A Fraud

Attacking President Nixon's
revenue sharing program, Mr.
Anderson called it the "most
outrageous fraud in the United
States. The federal government
has nothing to share except

He described the federal
government as a "giant
bloodsucker. It's like
transfusing blood from your
left arm to your right arm, and
keeping half in the process."

Mr. Anderson further
attacked the federal
government for its tax system
that makes "slaves" of its
citizens. "The way taxes are in
the U.S. today, you might as
well marry for love," he said.

Party In Race

The American Party is in the
presidential race, Mr. Anderson
said, "to restore this country
to the highest boundaries ever
achieved, to restore
Constitutional government and

He denied that his party is
composed of right-wing
extremists, as they have been
called by the press. "The
American Party stands on the
Constitution, one of the most
moderate documents ever
written for the preservation of

The party is opposed to
busing, federal control of
education, public housing and
inflation. He described
inflation as "too much money
chasing too few goods. We
must put the Federal Reserve
out of business, and put a meat
axe to government spending."

Calls Nixon A 'Phony'

Mr. Anderson blasted Mr.
Nixon, calling him a "phony"
and a "computer not a
conservative," and said Spiro
Agnew "has always been a
liberal...pacifying the right


CD/Arthur Laurent

John T. Anderson, American Party Vice Presidential Candidate

He described Mr. Nixon's
election to succeed Lyndon B.
Johnson as "sort of like getting
a divorce and gaining custody
of your wife's parents."

"Nixon ran on a
conservative, economic
platform, but he's the all-time
spender of nations," Mr.
Anderson said. "Millions of
people who hate Richard
Nixon are going to hold their
noses and vote for him because
they're afraid of George
McGovern. The lesser of evils is

Morality Is Issue

Mr. Anderson said the
greatest issue of our time is
"neither education nor
economics–it is our morality.
This issue concerns the erosion
of national morality. History is
made by dedicated minorities
affected by what's right and