University of Virginia Library

Supporters Discuss
McGovern's Plans


In reaction to the proposed
cease-fire between North
Vietnam and the United States,
announced last Thursday,
supporters of Democratic
Presidential candidate Sen.
George S. McGovern have
expressed their views
concerning Mr. McGovern and
his foreign policies.

Settlement Follows Outline

Acting Seventh District
McGovern-Shriver Campaign
Coordinator Phil Chabot said,
in speaking to campaign
workers, "It is worth noting
that the basic settlement would
follow the outlines proposed
by George McGovern for many
years." Mr. McGovern's plans
for a ceasefire were formed
"...four years ago; 20,000
American lives ago; and
sixty-five billion dollars ago..."

Mr. Chabot said Mr.
McGovern has stated
repeatedly, "The most urgent
object of our attention must be
the end of this war as soon as

At a McGovern gathering
held at the University last
Thursday, History Prof
William H. Harbaugh described
Mr. McGovern as a president
who would make the American
people "far more
internationalists in
character...than we are under
Mr. Nixon."

McGovern Not Isolationist

A personal friend of Mr.
McGovern, Mr. Harbaugh said,
"Nothing I have ever read
indicates that McGovern is
prepared to go isolationist."
Mr. Harbaugh's views were
given shortly after a television
broadcast by Mr. McGovern.

Concerning other topics
related to the campaign,
Government and Foreign
Affairs Prof. Dante Germino,
also at the gathering, discussed
Mr. Nixon's handling of the
economy. "It has always
amazed me that conservatives
seem to be attracted to
Richard Nixon because he has
run up the highest deficits of
the Federal Government in the
last four years in our history;
an average of 20 billion a

Mr. Germino explained his
reasons for supporting Mr.
McGovern "I would really
appeal on a non partisan basis,
to do what we can to elect a
man, of whom it could be said,
that this is the beginning of the
end of the wasteland."