University of Virginia Library

Council Requests
Open Channels


"There is something bad about not
being able to see people who constitute
proper channels."

Peter Gillespie, vice president of
Student Council, made this comment at
Tuesday night's Student Council meeting.
At the meeting, Mr. Gillespie and other
Student Council members explained the
problems which confront them when
trying to arrange meetings with certain
University administrators.

Phil Chabot, Student Council
secretary, stated that he has been trying
to arrange a meeting with the University's
Vice President for Financial Affairs,
Vincent Shea.

Mr. Chabot said that for more than
four weeks he has been trying to make an
appointment, yet as of Tuesday, he had
not seen Mr. Shea.

Mr. Chabot said that he had talked
with some administrators working under
Mr. Shea. These administrators stated
that they were not able to give him the
information which he desired and
suggested that he see Mr. Shea, Mr.
Chabot said.

Unsuccessful Attempts

But he said that his attempts to see Mr.
Shea have been unsuccessful.

In an effort to help Mr. Chabot arrange
an appointment with Mr. Shea, the
Student Council unanimously adopted a
resolution which stated that "the
council instructs Mr. Chabot to meet
directly with Mr. Shea."

Also at Tuesday night's meeting,
Student Council President Tom Collier
reported on a recent meeting between
him and University Business Manager
Richard Shutts.

At the meeting, Mr. Shutts told Mr.
Collier that the University has allocated
$300,000 for dormitory renovations.
With this money, the housing office plans
to make many changes and repairs.

New carpeting and doors will be
installed in the old dormitories. The new
dormitories will be repainted, and
workmen will attempt to fix cracks in the
plaster walls.

Unanimous Resolution

In response to the meeting between
Mr. Collier and Mr. Shutts, the Student
Council unanimously adopted a
resolution concerning housing policies.
The first section stated that the Housing
Committee should scrutinize the rules in
the "Terms and Conditions", and the
Housing Office should give reasons why
certain rules are to be included in the
"Terms and Conditions."

Mr. Collier and Mr. Shutts also
discussed the housing department's
"Terms and Conditions" booklet. Both
agreed that the "Terms and Conditions"
needed to be studied, and that some rules
in the booklet needed changing.

The second section of the resolution
stated that a Board of Appeals should be
established to deal with all appeals
concerning housing violations.


Photo By Andre Berkin

This Shelter Was Erected By Buildings And Grounds To Protect Masonry Work

Workmen Are Repairing Weathered And Cracked Slate Sidewalks In Front Of Newcomb Hall