University of Virginia Library

Dance, Film,
Benefit WTJU


WTJU will feature a dance, a waterbed
sale, films, and special broadcasts this
weekend to highlight their fund drive.

Next week, the final week of the drive,
has been proclaimed WTJU Week by
Charlottesville Mayor Mitchell Van

The purpose of the drive is to raise
funds to replace the station's defective
control board and other equipment that
fails to meet minimum standards.


To help WTJU The Virginia Film
Union will present benefit Film Festivals
in Wilson Hall tonight, tomorrow, and
Monday at 7:30 and 9 p.m. featuring
Hollymeade Grotto. A concert-dance will
be sponsored by the radio station
tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the Glass Hat.

Special broadcasts will include the Glee
Club Christmas Concert tomorrow night
and Firesign Theatre tonight. The Edith
Snark Paper Airplane Contest will be
featured tomorrow morning. The
program tomorrow will also include the
freshman basketball game and a broadcast
from the Prism.

WTJU will broadcast Sunday a musical
study of Frank Sinatra's career.

The program was produced by the
station's jazz editors, Joel Fivis, Mike
Leech, and Tim Abbott. It will be
featured from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The station will be on remote
broadcast 21 hours a day Monday through
Wednesday. For the three days an
all-night rock show will originate from
the University Diner and Joywind. Other
shows will be broadcast from Newcomb
Hall, Mincer's Cabell Hall, and Stacey's
Music Shop.

Waterbed Auction

The final feature of the remote
broadcast will be a waterbed auction.
Land and Sky Waterbed Company has
made available to the station at cost an
unlimited number of waterbeds with
five-year warranties.

Joe Bourdow, WTJU's program
director, commented that the station has
"found it impossible to operate full-time
on its allotted budget with the added
burden of the equipment failure."

The response to the fund drive, Mr.
Bourdow added, has been "great' but the
station "has a long way to go next week."
He said WTJU welcomes contributions by
mail, addressed to WTJU, Station 1,