University of Virginia Library

Polls Open
For Judiciary,
Council Races


Student Council and Judiciary
elections will take place today and
tomorrow to select candidates from a
field of 43 candidates. The polls will be
open from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. on
both days.

Polling locations for the College
include Gilmer Hall, Physics Building,
New Chemistry Building, Tuttle and
Emmet Houses, and four locations in
Cabell Hall.

Graduate Arts and Science students
may vote in Cabell, Rouss, Campbell, and
Gilmer Halls as well as the library,
Physics Building, New Chemistry
Building and the Newcomb Hall Grill.

The Medical School will vote in the
lobby of the School of Medicine, and
also in the Medical Education Building.

Student Council says that the names
of those running will be placed in a
random order and no party names will be

Candidates listed for the five seats on
the Council from the College are Phil
Chabot, Anne Nutter, Eric Royce, Ed
Wilson, Rod Singleton, and Bill Hurd.

Judiciary Committee candidates, from
the College are Daniel Bailey, Mark
Lawson, Don Dancer, Mark A. Jenes,
William P. Miller, John Parker and Dennis
Butler, Included are Robert E. Sheeder,
Christopher Cole, Greg Silver, Craig
Landauer, Neil Roncos, Dave Canfield,
and John Hogan. In the Graduate School
of Arts and Sciences Samuel L. Ashmon
is running for the Council and Gordon
Spencer is running for the Judiciary
Committee. In the Law School, Michael
Smith and Rawles Jones are running for
Council while Jay Waldron is running for
the Judiciary Committee.