University of Virginia Library

WTJU Faces
Of Shutdown


The WTJU radio is "on the edge of
illegality" due to the need for a new
control board, according to Station
Manager Doug McLaughlin.

Without the new control board the
station does not meet certain
performance criteria of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and
reportedly may have to be discontinued if
it does not receive more funds.

Mr. McLaughlin further explained that
the Student Council was forced to cut
fifteen per cent of the funds for all
organizations receiving over $1,000, and
that WTJU was docked $700 as a result.
"We understand the financial position of
the Student Council, and don't want to
be a burden on them in asking for more
money," he continued.

WTJU is currently utilizing various
means of raising money, and has set a
deadline date of December 15 for
eliciting from $2,000 to $3,000. Joe
Ruffini, assistant to the finance director,
has planned a fund drive for the next two

This week will include direct pleas for
contributions from students over the air,
while the Monday through Saturday of
the following week will be devoted to
more direct means, according to Mr.
Ruffini. "We will be going door to door
instead," he said, "first to the dorms,
then to students living off campus,
Charlottesville businessmen, the faculty,
and even parents of station members."

In the final week, WTJU will continue
its requests for donations by giving out
"remote" broadcasts from various places
on the Grounds, and asking for a dollar
from each student.

"It would help a great deal if people
could spare a few dollars," commented
Mr. Ruffini. "Otherwise we may not be
coming back next semester."

He further emphasized that
contributions are tax deductible and that
WTJU was not complaining due to lack of
funds from the Student Council. "We all
understand the fairness of the Student
Council and are depending on the
students for support in the continuation
of WTJU."