University of Virginia Library

VPI Protest
On Visitation


Continuing their protest against
administration regulations regarding room
visitation, students at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute last week organized
a commission to examine open door
procedures at other state institutions.

The action took place after six male
dormitories two weeks ago declared their
autonomy from administrative
restrictions on room visitation by
members of the opposite sex.

The action taken by the dormitories
represents the feelings of over 1,500
students. The first dormitory to vote on
the issue overwhelmingly decided by a
vote of 451 to 51 to completely disregard
the official regulations on visitation and
establish their own policies.

Student Discretion

Statements issued by the
dormitories call for students to use their
own discretion on conforming to or
violating the administration's regulations
until the house councils and dormitory
governing bodies rewrite policies.

Current regulations allow visitation by
members of the opposite sex only during
a few hours each weekend and require
that all students hosting visitors leave
their doors open at least six inches.

When passed by the administration
last spring, these regulations sparked six
days of demonstrations, petitioning and
marching. There were scattered incidents
of window breaking and the burning of
an office building.

This fall small groups have disobeyed
the regulations but, for the most part,
have not been given disciplinary

Hahn Booed

VPI president T. Mashal Hahn was
drowned out by "boos" during a half
time speech at the Governor's Day
football game this fall by several
thousand students protesting the
administration's "open door" policy.

Members of the commission hope to
interview administrators from the
University as well as administrators from
other state educational institutions.

An interview with state senator
Herbert Bateman, the author of the
controversial Bateman Resolution which
called for an investigation into the
University's own visitation rules, is also