University of Virginia Library

Council To Bus
Student Group
To Conference


The Student Council, in cooperation
with other student governments in the
nation, will organize a group of students
from here to attend an Emergency
Conference for New Voters next month
to mobilize students as voting delegates
to the national party nominating
conventions in 1972.

The conference, initiated by the
Association of Student Governments
recently, will afford an opportunity to
"involve young people in the total
electoral process," according to Duane
Draper, president of the association and
chairman of the steering committee for
the conference.

Scheduled for December 3,4, and 5 at
Loyola University in Chicago, the conference
will take place "to energize students to return
to their campus and prepare for the delegate
selection" for party conventions, Mr. Draper

Mr. Collier said that he thought the
meeting is "a super idea." He commented that
without a united effort such as the conference,
the voice of students in selecting candidates at
the national nominating conventions will be

He said that the Council has hired a bus
to take a group of students from the University
and other schools in Virginia to Loyola
University for the three-day conference.

The meeting will include workshops,
seminars and panels to discuss voter registration
and political organization. A series of nationally
known speakers, to be announced at a later
date, will address the participating students on
the issues which confront them in the election

Affirming his support for the conference,
Mr. Collier said that students must have an
opportunity to participate in the nominating

He said that he felt the conference would
provide a productive method of expressing the
views of students.

Mr. Collier said that the bus trip to Loyola
is open to any students interested in attending
the conference. He said that the Council is now
accepting the names of students here who wish
to attend.