University of Virginia Library

Parties Spike


Having just emerged from two weeks
of difficult and dreary mid-term
examinations, many students are looking
forward to the bright and cheery prospect
of another "Big Weekend."

This weekend is, of course, Openings
Weekend. Various sporting events,
parties, and a Saturday night concert are
formally being planned, and undoubtedly many
"informal" activities will also be occurring in
conjunction with previously scheduled events.

First Year Game

The weekend's activities will begin at 2 p.m.
today, when the first year football team plays
the freshman team from V.P.I. The game will
take place on one of the University Hall
practice fields. The two teams have similar
records, and a close game is expected.

Friday evening, things should be in full
swing on Fraternity Row. Parties are scheduled
to begin at 10 p.m. and are expected to last
until 2 a.m. This weekend's fraternity parties
will be open only to fraternity members and
their guests. Non-fraternity members can only
enter a party upon invitation from a member of
the fraternity.

Tomorrow at Scott Stadium, the Virginia
football team will play intrastate rival Virginia
Polytechnic Institute. The game is being billed
as the biggest game of the season for both
teams, and tomorrow's contest will certainly be

As of 5 p.m. yesterday, only 200 general
admission tickets remained. Date tickets are
still available, but they're selling fast. According
to an athletic department spokesman, the game
is expected to be a sellout.

Standing Tickets Available

The Athletic Department also announced
yesterday that some standing room only tickets
will be available for those people not able to
obtain a seat.

Following the football game, tomorrow
night, the Beach Boys and the Byrds will give a
concert at University Hall. The concert will
begin at 8 p.m.

As of yesterday afternoon, over six
thousand tickets had already been sold for the
concert. P-K German Vice President Tom
Collier said that it was unusual for so many
tickets to have been sold so soon. He said that
before most concerts, only one thousand are
usually sold by Thursday afternoon. Mr. Collier
predicted that by this afternoon all tickets for
the concert would be sold.

Fraternity Parties

Following the concert, the University's
fraternities will once again be having parties.
Tomorrow night's parties are also scheduled to
last from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Sunday, as the weekend slowly draws to a
close, the University's Polo and Rugby clubs
will hold matches.

Our polo team will play Yale University.
Yale is one of Virginia's strongest polo rivals,
and Sunday's match should be very close.

For those persons not interested in polo, the
Rugby Club will be playing squads from
William and Mary and the Blue Ridge Rugby
Club. The rugby matches will be held on
Nameless Field.