University of Virginia Library

Man Accosts
Two Women
On Saturday


Two University women were accosted
Saturday night by "what sounds like the
same person," stated Chester R. Titus,
associate Dean of Students.

There was "an indication in both
incidents that he was not going to hurt
them," Wade Bromwell, Head of the
Security Department, noted.

A second year woman was approached by
an unarmed man on the University Avenue
sidewalk near Carr's Hill at approximately 6:30
as she was returning to her room in the
Munford Gwathney Dormitory complex.

"The area, which is city property, has
normal street lighting," Mr. Titus explained.
"The city was contacted a year ago about more
lighting," Mr. Titus continued.

Mr. Bromwell said that "the city has put
lots of lights in the areas surrounding the

"We will be working very closely with the
city on the incident, since it took place on city
property" he added.

The second incident occurred when a
first-year woman was leaving Newcomb Hall
Cafeteria at 7:30. She was walking to the steps
on Cardiac Hill when a man tackled her from

They rolled about halfway down the hill
when she screamed he covered her mouth and
said "I'm not going to hurt you."

The student then spent approximately 20
minutes talking to the man, trying to calm him
down. He apologized and they walked to the
bottom of the hill.

At the bottom of the hill, she said the man
decided to try again and the man threw her
against a tree and made advances. The student
again, tried to dissuade him. Eventually he left.

She called Security about fifteen minutes
after returning to her dorm. The Security
phone was busy, but she did contact them after
about five minutes.

The student described the man as being a
Negro about 5′9″ tall of medium build with an
Afro haircut. She added that he had told her he
was not a student and was from New York.

"One of the girls delayed reporting for
about two hours," Mr Titus stated. "This late
reporting doesn't help at all. The only way we
will ever be able to locate anyone is by
surrounding the area immediately," he

Mr. Bromwell also requested that incidents
be reported promptly, but added that he
understood that the reports were "frequently
delayed because the girls were upset."

He stressed that there would be "a better
possibility of solution if the reports were not

When asked if the University or the
Department of Security had considered
installing emergency phones in the areas where
most of the incidents occurred, Mr. Bromwell
replied, "Not that I know of."

The Security Department is "examining the
lighting system again in Newcomb Hall area
and has increased patrols in the area
"consistent with available manpower," Mr.
Bromwell asserted, "but that means a decrease
in other areas."

Mr. Titus also added that he hoped that
anyone approached would "keep cool enough
to look for identifying factors such as

"I know it is difficult under the
circumstances, but it is the only defensive
measure we have," he added.