University of Virginia Library

Faculty Meet
With Council
On Expansion


Following a day of anti-expansion
demonstration, three members of the
Future of the University Committee
Tuesday night discussed the committee's
role at the University with Student

Norman Graebner, history professor,
Ken Jacobs, astronomy professor, and
Thomas H. Hunter, Vice-President for
Medical Affairs, attended the Tuesday
night meeting of the Student Council.

According to Mr. Jacobs, next year's
enrollment will be set only after this
committee's report is finished. He said that
"the report is to be finished by the first day of
the second semester."

The charge given to this committee recently
by Edgar F. Shannon, President of the
University, was to project future enrollments at
the University with primary considerations
toward academics and secondary considerations
to housing, food, and traffic.

Dr. Hunter said that "the charge has not
changed except legally." He added that
"we are considering all facets but mainly
academics." Peter Gillespie, Vice-President of
the Student Council, replied that "we were told
that the administration would not consider the
other aspects of growth."

Mr. Gillespie, Tom Collier, President of the
Student Council, and Phil Chabot, had met
with President Shannon on Friday to discuss
the role of this committee. Mr. Collier said that
"each person afterwards felt that the Future of
the University Committee would not consider
any other aspects of expansion besides

Mr. Graebner said that "the charge given to
the committee didn't mean a thing to him." He
later added "our committee is faced with a new
rationale for growth."

After the faculty members of the Future of
the University Committee left, Mr. Collier
suggested that "we need to set up a student
steering committee." He added that "we need
to have caucuses of the student representatives"
to the various committees.

Mr. Collier continued to say that "in saying
that it's our misunderstanding, the
administration is trying to put off these
problems of housing, food, and traffic."

The Council unanimously passed a motion
to ask that "all meetings of the Future of the
University Committee and its subcommittees be
open to observers and that students may ask
questions at the chairman's direction."


Photo by Lovelace Cook

Council President Tom Collier

Suggested Student Steering Committee