University of Virginia Library

Shannon Cites
Necessity For
Future Plans


David Shannon, Provost and Chairman
of the Committee on the Future of the
University, stressed academic planning at
a meeting yesterday, according to
Committee members.

Student members of the Committee
have reacted to what they consider
"limiting aspects" of its purpose, while
other members state that the purpose of
the Committee has always been limited to

The purpose of the Committee has been,
since its conception in 1965, "to assist the
Board of Visitors, the President, and the Deans
in planning the future academic development of
the University."

The Committee consists of 25 members,
including Mr. Shannon, 18 faculty members,
and six students. It was established in 1965 to
deal with enrollment projections and future
academic programs.

According to a Committee member, Mr.
Shannon emphasized the need for attention to
the quality of future academic programs.

Mr. Eugene Paige, a member of the
Committee and the Office of Institutional
Analysis, stated that the "purpose of the
Committee continues to be essentially the same
as that established in 1965: to make
recommendations concerning academic

Mr. Paige added that there has been little
change in overall policy. The committee, he
said, would deal particularly with the issues of
growth and the Birdwood tract.

He explained that two subcommittees
would be established to carry out these
programs. One subcommittee will make
enrollment estimates within each school for the
period until 1980.

Mr. Ross and Mr. Sabato expressed their
"disappointment at the direction the
Committee seems to be taking." They stated
that they had been "under the impression that
the Committee would deal with all aspects of
growth including the housing and parking