University of Virginia Library

New Profile
On Faculty

Women now account for nearly 10 per
cent of the University of Virginia's
full-time faculty members, and more
faculty members have received their
highest degrees from the University of
Virginia than from any other institution.

Age-wise, more than 40 per cent of
the faculty members are in their thirties,
according to figures developed by the
Office of Institutional Analysis.

The institutes's statistical profile of selected
characteristics of the full-time faculty, based on
the 1,018 faculty members who taught at the
University during the 1970-71 session, found
that 92 members of the faculty are women,
concentrated mostly in the College of Arts and
Sciences and the schools medicine, nursing and
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Thirty-five women teach in the school of
nursing, 28 in medicine and 17 in the College of
Arts and Sciences. Nine teach in the School of
Education and one each in the schools of law,
engineering and applied science and the
Graduate School of Business Administration.

As to degrees, 169 of the University's
full-time faculty members have received their
highest degrees from the University of Virginia
with 80 receiving their degrees from Harvard
University, 40 from the University of Chicago
and 32 from Yale University.

Fifteen or more faculty members have
received their degrees form the following
institutions: Johns Hopkins, Columbia and
Princeton Universities, the Universities of
Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California,
and Duke and Ohio State Universities. All told,
some 170 institutions are represented by at
least one graduate teaching at the University.

Among the 169 who had received their
highest degreed from the University, 62 teach
in the School of Medicine, 32 in the engineering
school and 24 in the College and Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences.

As to age, 431 faculty members are between
the age of 30 and 39, with 266 in their forties
and 128 in their fifties. Seventy-five faculty
members are in their sixties and seven are 70 or
more years old.

In rank, 369 of the 1,018 full-time faculty
members are assistant professors, with 262
associate professors and 264 full professors.
Twenty-two members hold endowed chairs at
the University.