University of Virginia Library

Fall Code

By Jim Massey
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The newly appointed Code of
Conduct Committee met yesterday to
determine the purpose of the committee
and decide upon a plan for the summer
and fall of next year.

The 15-member committee was
appointed by D. Alan Williams, Vice
President in charge of Student Affairs,
after receiving recommendations from the
Student Council and the Deans of each

The Code of Conduct was issued by
the Board of Visitors after student
disruptions at the University last spring.

Subsequent to Student Council objections
to the exclusion of students in the drafting of
the code it was rejected by the students in a
University-wide referendum.

The controversy over student participation
in student affairs policymaking was carried over
into the advisory committee which decided its
first question of consideration to be "What
should be the process for determining and
promulgating regulations within the University

The committee decided to hold its next
meeting in September and to have a complete
set of University regulations compiled and
distributed to committee members over the

Student members of the Committee are
Lunzy D. Britt, Fred K. Gaumer, Tom Goss,
Linda Martin, Miles McFarland, Brian Siegel
and Christopher Kerr.

Faculty and administration representatives
are Daniel Meador, Chairman, Professor of Law;
Carroll A. Gardner, Jr., Special Assistant to the
President; Miss Anita Gibbs, Associate Dean of
Students; Joseph E. Gibson, Associate Professor
of Commerce; Graham C. Lilly, Associate
Professor of Law; David W. Weiss, Associate
Professor of Speech and Drama; Robert S.
Wood, Assistant Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs; and Charles Majors of the Law