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Williams Cites Goals
Of Rights Committee

By Ann Brown
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

D. Alan Williams notified 14 members
of the University Community last week
of their appointment to the Ad Hoc
Committee on Student Rights and
Responsibilities, sometimes referred to as
the Blue Ribbon Code of Conduct
Committee, and specified certain areas
which he felt the Committee should

According to the letter of
appointment by Daniel J. Meador,
professor of law and chairman of the
committee, Mr. Williams enumerated four
basic goals for the group. First, he
proposed the formulation of "a general
statement of the substantive matters of
student life, with which the University
has a legitimate interest, exclusive of
those which are within the purview of the
Honor Committee."

Student Rights

The second objective was stated as, "a
comprehensive examination of present
University regulations with suggestions as to
their improvement, undertaken with a view to
insuring student rights, defining student
responsibilities, and protecting the legitimate
interests of the University.

"An effort to define the scope and limits of
speech and other forms of expression, not only
as currently protected by the First
Amendment, but also in light of the
University's long tradition of freedom of
inquiry, thought, and expression for all
members of this community of scholars;" was
listed as the third goal of the committee.

Student Discipline

The fourth matter to be considered was
listed as, "elements of procedural fairness
recommended for student disciplinary
proceedings, exclusive of the Honor

Kevin Mannix, Student Council president,
sent a letter to Mr. Williams questioning the
goals he enumerated for the committee. Mr.
Mannix's letter stated, "We understood that the
primary charge of the Committee was to
prepare a recommendation as to whether or not
students should be able to formulate their own
statement or responsibilities (code of

"Since the four functions you have listed to
not seem to have covered this point clearly."
the letter continued, "Council requests that
such a charge be formally made to this
committee. If not, I believe the
committee-particularly the student
members-should take this to be one of the
general objectives of the committee to be
achieved via the other specific functions."

Mr. Williams' letter also made known for the
first time the faculty appointees to the
committee. He added, "The committee should
commence its deliberations as soon as possible,
making initial recommendations upon which it
has reached agreement this semester, and
preparing a general statement during the fall