University of Virginia Library

Board Reviews
Parietal Policy

By Chris Donart
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Board of Visitors is currently reviewing
first-year parietal hours, in accordance with the
Bateman Resolution which calls for the boards
of state institutions of higher education to
review their visitation policies.

Chester R. Titus, associate dean of
students, stated that he asked for a review of
"policy, implementation, and supervision" of
parietal hours. He said he contacted those
people involved with the visitation policy,
including first-year legislative bodies and the
counseling program. From suggestions from
these sources, Mr. Titus will prepare a report
which he will turn over to D. Alan Williams,
dean of student affairs. The report is currently
in the process of assimilation.

Mr. Williams stated that the review is for
informational purposes only, and he added that
no information on the report was being given
out at this time.

As Chairman of Counselors, Steve Brickman
said he was asked by Mr. Titus to submit
suggestions. The general consensus among
counselors on the visitation policy, Mr.
Brickman said, was in favor of a 24-hour
parietal situation as a maximum with individual
halls and suites determining their own policy.

Charles Musson, President of the First-Year
Legislative Council, stated that the Council
favored the same policy as that suggested by
the counselors. Mr. Musson said that parietal
hours are currently enforced by the First-Year
Judiciary Council.


Photo by Saxon Holt

Steve Brickman

Chairman of Counselors