University of Virginia Library

On Day Care
Funds Open

By Mark Schapiro

Tomorrow at 4 p.m. a public
meeting will be held in the Student
Council offices on the fourth floor of
Newcomb Hall in order to discuss the
Student Council's proposal to use the
remaining money from the Women's
Student Association for a Day Care

The Student Council is hoping to
establish a Day Care Center in order that
female students or wives of students
should be free to enjoy the benefits of
education and/or employment. A year
ago the Student Council issued a major
Co-Educational Report with this idea as a
major proposal.

Current ideas call for a full time center that
would begin operation by this Spring. Student
Council says it hopes that money from the
disbanded Women's Student Organization
supplemented by a nominal fee would keep
such a center going. In the future, the program
might be expanded to include children of
faculty members.

Formerly women students at the University
formed the Women's Student Association and
required a mandatory fee from all women
students. Although this organization has not
existed for three years, a sum of approximately
$2,700 remains in a Women's Student
Association account.

At present there is a volunteer Day Care
Center for students, faculty, and employees of
the University three days a week at Westminster
Church (Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays). The
service is free.

At the meeting tomorrow aspects of the
matter will be discussed in detail. Results of
inquiries will be presented and an expert on
Day Care Centers will be on hand for
consultation. All students are urged to attend
and comment on this proposal, as much student
input is needed for the Center.