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Council Plans Committee
To Rewrite Conduct Code

By Ann Brown
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Photo By David Hunt

From Left: Paul Saunier, Ernest Ern, Kevin Mannix, Edgar Shannon, Alan Williams, Tom Collier, And Frank Hereford.

University President Edgar Shannon And Other Top Brass Addressed Seventy-Five Students On University Growth.

Vice President D. Alan Williams'
recommendation for a blue ribbon
committee to rewrite the Code of
Conduct was discussed at Student
Council's meeting Tuesday night.

Mike Cohen, Law School
representative, in discussing the
proposed formation of the committee,
stated that one of the main objectives of
the group should be to assure that
"students... have the right to promulgate
their own rules, subject to the Board's
approval." He also remarked, "This is the
way it should have been done a year

Committee Goals

Kevin Mannix, Council President,
stated after a meeting with Mr. Williams
on last Wednesday that the goals of the
committee would be to deal with the basic
concept of structuring student rights and
accountabilities and to finish the new code by
the end of this semester. Mr. Mannix said, "We
also want a general statement on student rights
not just regarding accountabilities." He
indicated that this statement would examine
student rights in other areas of University life
including academics.

Mr. Williams stated that the committee is
still in the planning stage. "We're in the process
of formulating a charge to the committee," he
said, which he hoped would be ready for
presentation to the Council by Tuesday.

Jeffersonian Concepts

Mr. Williams added that they hoped "to
come up with something worthy of the
University...and in keeping with the
Jeffersonian concepts of student rights and

Scott Stephens' proposal for adding
incentives to the Counselor Program was also
discussed. Hugh Antrim, Council Vice
President, remarked that one should become a
counselor just because he wanted to rather than
because of money or fringe benefits involved.
Tom Collier supported Mr. Stephens' ideas with
the statement that with pay more counselors
would be willing to spend time doing things
involved in the Counselor Program.

Phil Chabot remarked that there was a
discrepancy between Council members'
complaints about people from the Housing
Office going into rooms to look for appliances
and their willingness to pay people to enforce
the housing rules. He commented that paying
counselors might make them too strongly
bound to the Housing Department.

The proposals were dropped as a matter for
Council. Mr. Stephens, however, stated that he
would continue to present his ideas to the

A Student Council Security Committee was
set up with Willie Ivey as chairman. The
committee will serve as a liaison with the
Security Department in an effort to solve
mutual problems.

Faculty Assembly

Mr. Mannix reported that the University
Senate Committee has agreed to call the
proposed assembly the Faculty Senate since
students will not be equally represented.

Council also passed a motion which
provided that there will be no designation of
parties on the ballot of school elections.

The Council voted to endorse the Write
Hanoi Campaign. The decision was made on the
grounds that the campaign is a humanitarian
gesture. Council will ask the citizens of
Charlottesville to participate.