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Attempt To Photo Agent
Draws Contempt Charges

By Steve Grimwood
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Three members of the Virginia Weekly
Staff have been charged with contempt of
court in reference to an attempt to
photograph an undercover narcotics agent
outside the Municipal Court of Charlottesville
on January 22.

According to informed sources.
Thurm Wenzi and Richard Kimball had
stationed themselves outside the building. Mr.
Wenzi was standing near the entrance while Mr.
Kimball was some distance away with a telephoto

Carl Deavers, a Virginia State Narcotics
Agent, was inside testifying for the prosecution
in a narcotics case.

When Mr. Deavers exited the building, both
Mr. Wenzi and Mr. Kimball were apprehended
before either of them could take a picture.
They were taken inside the courtroom.

Once inside, the two said they were subject
to a "Kangaroo Court," with the "prosecutor
prosecuting and the judge judging." After several
minutes of "verbal harassment," they were

Tom Doran

Tom Doran, who was present at the courthouse
for a bail hearing, was not taken inside
with the other two. He was not carrying a

Mr. Kimball and Mr. Wenzi received
contempt citations several days later ordering
them to appear and show cause why they
should not be held in contempt of court. Mr.
Doran received the same citation, but not until
February 3, one day after the original trial date.

This was one of a series of attempts by
Virginia Weekly staffers to photograph Mr.
Deavers, an undercover agent who has reportedly
helped to send 28 persons to jail in the last
five years in drug-related cases.

In an earlier attempt, Mr. Kimball and Mr.
Wenzi had been warned, though not charged
with contempt. Another try was made on
January 28, when it is believed that Mr. Deavers
escaped detection by lying down in the back
seat of a police car. The car was driven out of
the garage beneath the Municipal building
shortly after a drug trial had ended.

Agent Information

Some information about Mr. Deavers has
been obtained. The Virginia Weekly reported in
their last issue that he drives a grey Plymouth
Fury 1, Virginia license number 525-627. A
pencil drawing of his profile was also included
in the publication. Staffers also reported the
arrival of two new undercover agents in town.
The only description given was that they both
have "long hair."

The contempt trial is now set for March 15.
Phil Hirschkop, member of the Virginia ACLU,
has been retained for the defense.

Mr. Kimball is currently enrolled at the
University, white Mr. Doran and Mr. Wenzi are
former students.