University of Virginia Library

Meeting Set
To Consider
Peace Treaty

By Kip Klein
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Union of University Students and
Ken Lewis, campus coordinator for the
National Student Association, announced
that a meeting will be held tonight at 7
p.m. in room 4A Newcomb Hall.
According to Mr. Lewis the main purpose
of the meeting will be to initiate and
organize an anti-war group to be named
"The Virginia Conspiracy to End the War
in Vietnam."

Another order of business will be to
organize the circulation of the "Joint
Treaty of Peace Between the People of
the United States and the People of
South Vietnam and North Vietnam" along with
a petition ratifying the agreement. The treaty
will be circulated among the students and in the
Charlottesville area.


The treaty has already been endorsed by
Student Council, the Union of University
Students, and the Charlottesville Draft
Resistance. The "Conspiracy," however, will
also seek group endorsements from religious
groups, labor unions, and other similar groups.
"We will try," said Mr. Lewis, "to get other
schools to print up and circulate the peace
treaty in their areas."

In effect what the treaty calls for is that the
government of the United States agree to
immediate and total withdrawal from Vietnam
and "end the imposition of Thieu-Ky-Khiem on
the people of South Vietnam in order to insure
their right to self-determination." The treaty
also stipulates that the Vietnamese pledge to
enter discussions to secure the release of all
American prisoners; to form a provisional
coalition government to organize democratic
elections; and to agree to respect the
independence, peace and neutrality of Laos and

National Groups

Some of the national groups working along
with the NSA to implement the peace treaty
are the War Resisters League and the
Fellowship and Reconciliation League.

"There is presently no group on campus."
Mr. Lewis added, "to help coordinate campus
anti-war groups with national anti-war groups.
We hope to revitalize the anti-war movement."

National anti-war groups are presently
organizing a spring offensive. The National
Peace Action Coalition has called a march on
Washington, D.C. and San Francisco for April
24, 1971. Still other national anti-war groups
are planning rallies to be held in Washington,
D.C. and San Francisco on May 1, 1971.