University of Virginia Library

Julian Bond Speech
Opens Black Symposium

Georgia legislator Julian Bond will
speak here on Sunday, February 14,
launching the Black Culture Week which
will continue through February 20.

Planners of the Black Culture Week
worked in cooperation with the Speakers'
Committee of the University Union to
bring Mr. Bond to the University.
According to its chairman Christopher
Thompson, the recently formed
committee is working toward bringing many
nationally known figures to Charlottesville.
Bernadette Devlin has agreed to speak here on
March 9; Tom Wolfe has made tentative plans
to speak to the University community on
September 19; Norman Mailer, William
Buckley, Milton Freedman and Kurt Vonnegut
are possibilities for the near future. The success
of the first two speakers will determine the
future of this program.

Mr. Bond has been active in Civil Rights
movements since his days at Morehouse
University where he helped to found the
Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee.
He worked as Communications Director of
SNCC and held the position of managing editor
of the black weekly newspaper the Atlanta

Elected to the Georgia House of
Representatives in 1965, he was barred from his
seat by members of the legislature who
objected to his dovish statements about the
Viet Nam war. He won a second race in 1966 to
fill his "vacant" seat; was again denied
admission, then after a third election and
Supreme Court intervention was granted
membership in the House.

Joining Julian Bond in Sunday's program
will be "The Crusaders," a male choral group
from Hampton Institute. Other featured
speakers throughout the week include writers
Harold Cruse and William H. Grier, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Koontz, Director of the Women's
Bureau of the Department of Labor. There is
also a possibility of singer Roberta Flack
performing Friday evening.

Mr. Bond's speech is set for 7:30 in
University Hall. Tickets may be purchased for
$1.00 at Mincer's Pipe Shop, Newcomb Hall
and at the door.


Julian Bond, Member of Georgia House of Representatives.

Mr. Bond Will Speak Sunday, February 14, As Part of Black Culture Week.