University of Virginia Library

Waitzkin, Nigro; Faulders, Creason
Battle In Run-Off Election


Photo By Rick Smith

Buzzy Waitzkin

The run-off election to determine
both the Senior Class President, and
the College representative to the
Senior Class Executive Council will be
held tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In the election for Senior Class President,
Buzzy Waitzkin, who received 227 votes or
approximately 30 per cent, will run against
Bob Nigro, who received 112 ballots. All
degree candidates are urged to vote in this

Since none of the seven candidates from
the College running for a seat on the Senior
Class: Executive Council received the
necessary 40 per cent of the vote, there will
be a run-off between Bill Creason and Thom
Faulders for that position. In the election
held last week, Mr. Creason led with 68
ballots, while Mr. Faulders placed second
with 65.

The polling locations for this special
election will be in the following places:
Tuttle House Post Office, Gilmer Hall,
Thornton Hall, Mary Munford, Clarke Hall,
Medical School, and McKim Hall


Photo By Rick Smith

Bob Nigro