University of Virginia Library

Food Services
Plans Survey
For Iceboxes

Reviewing its past policy prohibiting
refrigerators in the dormitories, the
University's Housing and Food Service
Divisions will conduct next week a survey
to determine the feasibility of revising the

Although the final form of the
questionnaire is not yet completed,
tentative versions ask the student to take
into account various aspects of the issue.
The experiences of other institutions that
have permitted refrigerators in dormitory
rooms are noted, particularly with respect
to a decrease in the other food services
(snack bars, vending machines) and the
increase in prices for the dining facilities.

Tentative rules for the use of refrigerators
are also given. These include rental only from
the University Food Service Division, a
monthly rental fee not to exceed $7.00,
maintenance of the present restrictions on
cooking and heating appliances, removal of the
refrigerator and forfeiture of the rental fee for
violations, and periodic student health
inspections and inspection of rooms for health
or safety hazards that may arise from any
electrical and mechanical devices.

In addition, the questionnaire notes that, if
approved, this new policy would only be in
effect experimentally for certain areas before a
decision would be made whether to make the
policy uniform.