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Two Students Re instated At Madison
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Two Students
Re instated
At Madison

Two students, arrested for their part
in a campus demonstration at Madison
College last April, were readmitted
Monday according to one of them.

Lewis Sword said that Judy Reed and
himself were notified about 4:45 Monday
that the administration had reached its

A third student, Jay Rainey,
submitted his application with those of
Mr. Sword and Miss Reed, but was denied
readmission, Mr. Sword said.

Other suspended students have indicated
that they plan to seek readmission.

In a decision issued last week, U.S. District
Judge Robert R. Merhige upheld the right of
students in general to dissent, and in particular,
ordered the reinstatement of several Madison
College students who were dismissed from
school following peaceful protests last spring.

American Civil Liberties Union lawyers,
representing the students, have said that Mr.
Rainey as well as other students should be
readmitted. If necessary they will seek an
injunction from Judge Merhige.

The judge left the case on the docket for the
students to seek readmission if they were not
voluntarily readmitted.

Officials of Madison College met with
Assistant Attorney General William G.
Broaddus before the weekend, and the decision
was made to accept the applications for
readmissions of Mr. Sword and Miss Reed.

Suspension of these students resulted from
demonstrations staged on the Harrisonburg
campus concerning the refusals of the
administration to retain various teaching

Judge Merhige also ruled that two college
regulations invoked to suspend the students
were unconstitutional.

In his memorandum about the case the
District Judge noted "the first amendment
protects spontaneous as well as planned