University of Virginia Library

United Givers Fund

TO: All members of the University Family

We have now begun our annual United Givers Fund campaign. The University's
goal for 1970-71 is $54,000. This is our share of the community's total need for

The advantages of raising funds this United way are obvious - the cost and work
of solicitation are kept at a minimum. Thus, 25 agencies which care for and develop
the capabilities of many people of all ages in our community are assisted through
this one official drive here at the University.

This campaign affords us the opportunity to express our concern for our fellow
men. It is this concern that makes our community a better place in which to live
and makes us better men and women.

I have elected this year to pay my United Givers Fund pledge through the
payroll withholding plan. You may wish to consider this convenient method of
distributing your gift in installments over a six month period.

We at the University want to assume our full share of support for these
community agencies. I urge each of you to give as generously as you possibly can to
the 1970-71 United Givers Fund.

Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.