University of Virginia Library

UUS Draws Petition
For Rules Referendum

By Barry Levine
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Photo By Rick Smith

Union Of University Students Initiates Action For Student Referendum

Meeting Decides To Cancel Drive To Raise Bail Funds For Fellow Members.

The strike-inspired Union of University
Students decided Monday night to
petition for a referendum on the strike-related
Student Conduct Rules and Sanctions.

The decision was made unanimously
to call for the referendum, and to hold a
meeting next week of the Union's Committee
on Student Rights to draw up the
petition. The petition would require
signatures of at least 5 percent of the
student body in order for a referendum
to be held.

Bud Ogle, former president of the Student
Council, presented the proposal to over 60
students who attended the meeting. Discussion
settled not on the question of the referendum
itself, but on whether the Union should conduct
the referendum, or whether the petition
should be presented to the Council. The latter
course was decided.

A coordinating committee of seven UUS
members was also formed, in order to help to
fill the marked gap in leadership. The seven are
David Giltinan, Don Fleck, Ralph Goldberg,
Steve Squire, Charles Finn, Tom Doran, and
Tony Stigliano.

The Union's used book exchange was
termed "a fairly successful operation" by
Committee Chairman Jim Cameron, adding that
it had been handicapped by a lack of publicity.
Total business of the exchange was reportedly
expected to be over $1000.

Last week's proposal for a community-wide
bail fund was all but dropped as an official UUS
activity. Several students contended that such
an activity was, as one noted, "too much too
soon," and others cited the lack of funds as a
primary objection. A committee independent
of the Union was established to investigate
long-range plans of implementation and coordination.

Amending their newly-devised Constitution
and Bylaws, the Union also voted to extend
membership to "former students."