University of Virginia Library

Information Pamphlet
Details Contraception

By Tim Walthall

Within about four weeks University
students, will receive through the mail a
comprehensive little booklet on contraception
and abortion.

The twelve-page pamphlet entitled
"An Ounce of Prevention" provides information
on pregnancy, venereal disease,
contraceptives, abortion and services
available to students. It covers all
methods of birth control from sexual
abstention to abortion.

The booklet gives sorely-needed details on
methods of contraception such as proper usage,
acceptability, reliability, side-effects and risks.

The booklet was originally published last
April as the report of a special Duke University
committee on contraception and abortion.
Henry Wilson, a first-year Medical student and
former Duke undergraduate, has obtained permission
to have it reprinted for University


Photo by Frank Maner


97% safe contraceptive

Mr. Wilson brought the proposal before the
Student Council last week. His purpose was
given lucidly enough in his statement to the
Council that "any participation in a sexual
relationship carries with it a very real responsibility
for both people and must be met with

Mr. Wilson composes the Ad Hoc
Committee on Contraception and Abortion
Information, a subcommittee of the Mulholland
Society's Community Education Committee.

$800 Appropriation Approved

On Wednesday Council unanimously
approved the appropriation of the $800 required
to print and distribute the pamphlet.
Kevin Mannix, Student Council president,
commented that it was the Council's duty to
act in the interests of the health and welfare of
the students, and he could see no reason why
information concerning contraceptives should
not be circulated.

He made it clear, though, that the distribution
of this pamphlet is in no way connected
with the actual dispensation of contraceptives.
That remains a strictly doctor-patient relationship.

The booklet will be sent to male and female
University students at their University address.