University of Virginia Library

Strike Activist Barred From Grounds

Doran Arrested On Perjury Charge

By Peter Shea
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

A former University student was
arrested yesterday by University Security
agents on perjury charges stemming from
a trial held this summer.

Tom Doran, the former student, was
apprehended in Newcomb Hall by the
University police at 2:30 yesterday
afternoon and was booked in City
Corporation Court on the perjury

He is currently being held on $5,000
bail or $10,000 property bond awaiting
his trial, which has been set for December
10, according to Tom Gardner, former
Student Council member and one of the
leaders during last May's student strike.

Mr. Doran, who tried to re-enter the
University after a year's absence but was
denied readmission over the summer, was
convicted this summer on two separate
charges which arose from his activities
during last spring's strike, Mr. Gardner

According to Mr. Gardner, Mr. Doran
was convicted and given a "light fine" in
city court for "cursing" at University
Police Chief Rea Houchens during the

He also was convicted and fined $100
in County Court this summer school for
"destroying University property." Mr.
Gardner reported.

Mr. Doran's latest arrest is for
supposedly committing perjury during
one of the two trials this summer. Mr.
Gardner did not know in which trial the
alleged perjury took place.

D. Alan Williams, Vice-President of
Student Affairs, had sent a letter to Mr.
Doran which was received earlier
yesterday which barred him from the
Grounds of the University.

Restricted From University

According to Mr. Gardner, Mr.
Williams' letter, dated September 21,

"In view of your recent convictions in
the County Court of Albemarle County for
unlawfully destroying University property and
in the City Court of Charlottesville for cursing
Chief Houchens of the University security
police, which convictions have now become
final, you are hereby directed that you are not
to come on the Grounds of the University
henceforth, unless you are being treated at the
University of Virginia Hospital or are requested
to return on official business by a University
official, and the Department of Security is
informed of the request.

"Should you violate this order, you may be
liable for arrest until such time as permission
may be granted for you to return."

When contacted about the arrest, Mr.
Williams said, "I understand that he was being
looked for by the city as a result of a perjury
charge raised by a Grand Jury on Saturday."
Mr. Williams added, however, that the arrest
yesterday afternoon was in no way related to
the letter barring Mr. Doran from the Grounds.

Students Collect Bail

Police Chief Houchens said yesterday that
the arrest was made at the request of the City
Sergeant and the Corporation Court.

Mr. Gardner said that today a group of
students, possibly under the auspices of the
newly-founded Union of University Students,
will be collecting bail for Mr. Doran at tables
set up near Cabell Hall and in Newcomb Hall.

Mr. Williams said that the authority he used
to bar Mr. Doran from the Grounds was not
provided by the new rules and sanctions
recently passed by the Board of Visitors.

Apparently, any person who is not a student
can be barred from the Grounds.

Although not a student, Mr. Doran was
actively involved in the strike activities last
May. Mr. Gardner, among others, has claimed
that the University refused to re-admit Mr.
Doran as a student this year because of his
political activities during the strike and before.

Officials at the city jail or the Corporation
Court could not be reached for comment.