University of Virginia Library

Committee Urges Class Boycott Tomorrow, Thursday

Two-Day Student Protest Centers
On U.S. Intervention In Cambodia

In sympathy with a nation-wide
movement to protest President Nixon's
decision to send U.S. troops into
Cambodia student leaders at the
University are urging all students to
boycott classes tomorrow.

The student leaders are endorsing part
of the program of the Virginia Strike
Committee, and encourage students to
support the Freedom Day activities
scheduled for tomorrow.

Kunstler And Rubin

Besides an address by William
Kunstler, the attorney who defended the
"Chicago Seven," a mass rally featuring several
speakers, including "Yippie" leader Jerry
Rubin, a free rock concert, and "action
sessions" are scheduled for tomorrow.

The student leaders of the boycott
movement included Jim Roebuck, Student
Council president, King Golden, the law school
president-elect, Kevin Mannix, the
president-elect of the student body, Jim
Boniface, the architecture school president,
Bruce Wine, the chairman of counselors, and
Rod MacDonald, former managing editor of
The Cavalier Daily.

University Boycott

The official statement of the group reads:

"In light of the escalation of the Indochina
war, especially in Cambodia and North
Vietnam, we call for a University-wide student
boycott of classes and a mass rally on May 6.
The boycott will focus on what we can do
locally in support of U.S. Senate action against
the war.

Mass Rally At Rotunda

We encourage all students to participate in
the Freedom Day Activities on May 6 and 7."

The urged action is termed a "boycott"
rather than a "strike" so that faculty members
may participate. State law prohibits state
employees from striking.

Beginning at 8:45 a.m. students will picket
Cabell Hall, urging students to boycott classes.
During classes, students will hold informal
"action sessions" on the Lawn in front of
Cabell Hall to discuss the Cambodian issue.

At 11 a.m. a mass rally will be held on the
north side of the Rotunda. The featured
speakers at the rally to protest President
Nixon's action will be William Harbaugh of the
history department, "Yippie" leader Jerry
Rubin, Jim Roebuck, and Arthur Ogle.
President Edgar F. Shannon Jr. declined an
invitation to speak. Attorney Kunstler will also
be invited to take part in the rally.

Free Concert

From 2 to 5 p.m. there will be a free concert
in the Dell.. Free food will also be provided.
This event is sponsored by the Festival Life
Peace Foundation which is also responsible for
bringing Mr. Rubin to Charlottesville.

There will be a meeting today at 4 p.m. in
the ballroom of Newcomb Hall for all students
who would like to participate in the activities as
a marshal, usher, or picket.